Version 3.1.0 is behind the current release: jump to latest version (3.2.1).
function call
thefrontside/effectionPause the current operation, then run an async function, or operation function in a new scope. The calling operation will be resumed (or errored) once call is completed.
is a uniform integration point for calling async functions,
and generator functions.
It can be used to invoke an async function:
Example 1
async function* googleSlowly() {
return yield* call(async function() {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
return await fetch("");
It can be used to run an operation in a separate scope to ensure that any resources allocated will be cleaned up:
Example 2
yield* call(function*() {
let socket = yield* useSocket();
return yield*;
}); // => socket is destroyed before returning
Because call()
runs within its own Scope, it can also be used to
establish error boundaries.
Example 3
function* myop() {
let task = yield* spawn(function*() {
throw new Error("boom!");
yield* task;
function* runner() {
try {
yield* myop();
} catch (err) {
// this will never get hit!
function* runner() {
try {
yield* call(myop);
} catch(err) {
// properly catches `spawn` errors!
Type Parameters
callable: () => Operation<T>
the operation, promise, async function, generator funnction, or plain function to call as part of this operation
Return Type
calling bare promises, operations, and constants will be removed in v4, always pass a function to call()
before: call(promise); after: call(() => promise);
Type Parameters
callable: Promise<T>
Return Type